You diligently wash your hands and wipe down surfaces to ensure your clients' safety. However, common hygiene solutions like paper head sheets or towels are letting you down. These standard practices aren't protective enough, put your clients at risk of infection, cause discomfort and contribute to waste.
Whether you practice massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy, chiropractic, osteopathy or other treatments, here's how the industry's popular solutions fail in duty of care, customer experience and environmental impact.
Consumers are taking an active interest in hygiene, make sure they know you are too. Introducing the FaceShield™ Clinic Seal, exclusive to therapists using the FaceShield™ during all face down treatments. Help hygiene conscious consumers identify your FaceShield™ clinic and seek your services.
We’ve stepped up our mission to reduce healthcare associated infections with a new ad campaign! Our videos educate people on the infection risks of massage beds and invites consumers to help spread the word (not germs!).